Harbour Pier

Harbour Pier
Aberdeen Harbour North Pier

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Picking Potatoes

I don't mean harvesting them. I've been browsing catalogues and ordered some seed for earlies. Last year, without a plot, I grew one potato in a container. It was a red-eyed variety given to me by a friend. I think perhaps Catriona. (That's the name of the potato. My friend is called Sandy.) I grew it in 100% home-produced, kitchen-scrap compost. General advice is that pure compost is too strong for most crops and as I watched the haulm grow and grow I was imagining that it was a case of 'all hat and no cattle' or, as we would be more likely to say in Scotland, 'all mooth an' nae troosers'. But I was well pleased when eventually tipping out a harvest weighing in at 2.21kg (4.87 lbs).
I don't expect my earlies to crop at that level but we will see what we can achieve as a first crop following the field beans. Local practice is to plant earlies at the end of March but I might try a bit earlier if I cover the bed and warm the soil beforehand. I've chosen Arran Pilot, Scottish bred in 1930 and once grown extensively for the commercial market but now still a favourite with gardeners. My son gave me a great book for Christmas, pandering to my tattie interests: The Potato Book by Alan Romans which comes highly recommended.

If I'm honest one factor in choosing Arran Pilot was because it is listed by Garden Organic, formerly the Henry Doubleday Association. I am a member and therefore get 10% discount!

I still have the pleasure of the book and the catalogues for choosing a maincrop to come.

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