Harbour Pier

Harbour Pier
Aberdeen Harbour North Pier

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Getting Down To Work

The first task was to build a series of raised beds. The photo shows progress in October. This is about a quarter of the plot looking up the slope with the golf course behind (municipal not Trump's!) You can see I've used squared mesh and fabric supported by posts. I'm not sure how well this will work but couldn't justify/afford buying a lot of wood. The depth of the beds is created from the soil of fairly deep paths between the beds. I'm actually amazed at the depth and lack of stoneyness of the soil. I should have no excuses if I can't grow long, straight parsnips.

I had already resigned myself to not cropping anything this year but what you can see are 3 beds with Phacelia planted as green manure and at the top, one with field beans. I am planning to use that one for early tatties to take advantage of the nitrogen. Since then we have had a couple of freezing gales and both the Phacelia and the beans have suffered badly but they are serving their purpose in keeping the soil from being exposed to the elements.

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